Drunk drivers beware

Drunk drivers beware – 7 days in jail before your bail hearin With the festive period fast approaching, the South African Police Service (SAPS) has issued a warning to South African drivers that they will be implementing a zero tolerance policy against drinking and driving this festive season. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that […]
Holiday social media posts may cost you more than you bargained for

The CEO of Infiniti Insurance, Sharon Paterson, calls for extra vigilance as the festive season approaches with its annual spike in crime. While the powerful new technologies of the 4th Industrial revolution allow the insurance industry access to increasingly accurate data which enables risks to be addressed more comprehensively resulting in cost-effective premiums, they also pose […]
Top 10 reasons for D&O Insurance

Directors and Officers liability claims affect directors, officers and employees serving in a managerial or supervisory capacity. Whilst serving a company of any size ranging from large to small, public and private, even non-profit organisations and membership associations they need comprehensive cover for liabilities that could arise from them being held liable for wrongdoings in conducting their managerial responsibilities. Here are the most important reasons to […]
Fire! Getting insurance right demands professionalism

The recent fire that claimed the lives of 3 firefighters in The Bank of Lisbon building in Johannesburg highlights the need not only for adequate fire or assets insurance but for liability insurance as well, warns Melita Thurling, General Liabilities Product Champion at ITOO Special Risks Briefings held after the fire suggested that the building […]
Rise of Airbnb raises questions for homeowners

The growing popularity of property rental platforms, such as Airbnb, is raising concerns over the insurance implications for renters. While it might sound like a great idea to rent out one’s home in order to make a little extra cash, many homeowners could find themselves out of pocket if they do not consider the insurance […]
Motor Insurance tips

Many people find the insurance aspect of securing their vehicle against theft, loss or damage overwhelming as there are so many variations of cover and costs available. “Without the financial experience of what insurance is all about, a D-I-Y approach is challenging when trying to figure out why the quotes you receive vary so radically […]
3 types of intent that affect your car insurance claim

When deciding on whether someone should be covered in the event of a motor vehicle accident, an insurer may decide that a seemingly negligent driver actually acted with intent and should therefore not be covered, and such insurer may apply criminal court judgments to do so. Johannes du Plessis, legal advisor at RBS (Risk Benefit […]